Tiger--Fossil walrus adz head

Standing Tall Grizzly Mamma with Cubs--Fossil walrus tool

Bugling Bull Elk --fossil walrus

Ram ---mammoth ivory inlaid in wood

Eagles at Nest--Fossil walrus

Locomotive crossing bridge at logging camp--fossil walrus

Antelope--fossil walrus

Wolves on frozen beaver pond--mammoth ivory inlay

fox kits playing--fossil walrus tool--adz head

Hungry Spring Grizzlies Fishing in Rapids--whale tooth

Locomotive with Antelope--fossil walrus

Eskimos in Umiak Hunting Walrus--large walrus tusk-- ends carved also by Margie

Eskimos in Umiak Hunting Walrus--Large Tusk-ends carved by Margie also

Elk --fossil walrus scraper or weight on turned wood base

Young bear with fish--fossil walrus tool

Logging Locomotive--mammoth rind section on ebony base

Eskimo waiting for seal --whale tooth

Elephant trio--mammoth inlay in wood stand

Molting Sheep with Mt. Shuksan --fossil walrus

Bobcat--fossil walrus adz head

Wolves frolicking in snow--mammoth ivory-one of Margies' earlier pieces

Fishing Grizzly--whale tooth on wood base

Bobcat--inside rind of mammoth ivory

Chubby Grizzly and Cub on River Bank--Fossil Walrus

Young Grizzly Bear --Mammoth ivory

Wolf Approaching --Mammoth ivory

Tugboat MOGUL- To Dad With Love- Mammoth inlaid in box by Roger Cash

Grizzlies at River--Fossil Walrus adz head

Eskimo in Kyak--Fossil walrus tusk

Deer in Woods- mammoth ivory

Eagle with fish alighting on log--ivory slab on footed wood base

Silver stand with deer and waterfall--an early piece

Caribou On The Move--Fossil Walrus--a fairly large piece

Wolves at Twin Lakes, Spring Thaw--Large Fossil Walrus Tusk

Polar Bear Mom and Cub - mammoth

Grizzly Momma with fish and Cub -Fossil walrus

Wolves on snow field--whales tooth on wood base
![Mtn Lion Cub in tree- mammoth ivory- [they have spots when young]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54f3a1b8e4b02d9040e17130/1426900490745-WRA0UT6ROET7HOCM8UAM/image-asset.jpeg)
Mtn Lion Cub in tree- mammoth ivory- [they have spots when young]

Silver inlay pendants-- mountain goat, snowy owl

Silver with fossil walrus inlay pendants-- Beaver, and Ptarmigan changing plumage

Silver with mammoth-- Great Horned Owl and chick, Mountain Lion, Falcon

Mountain Sheep Ram-- Whale tooth on turned wood base with fossil walrus bead

Tiger in grass--box

Rams butting heads--mammoth on wood base

Caribou by lake--fossil walrus adz head with fire starter hole